Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 12

Nana came up for a few days. She likes to bake. We like to eat. It's a good deal all around.

September 11

Brice got all dressed up for our friend Olivia's 3rd birthday today.

September 10

I missed the real date, but Sye and Sofie went to Yo Gabba Gabba on September 4. It was a rainy/windy day. The first show was canceled but Sye and Sof stuck around for the 5pm show and had a blast!

September 9

Growth bear with Sofie!

September 8

Brice proud to be a 'little' brother! Sofie should watch how she handles him though I'm sure he won't be little for long.

September 7

Brice's 2 week bear shot.

September 6

A picture of Brice and his older girlfriend, Charlotte.

September 5

Erin came over today to take some pictures of the family. Here are some of the shots.

September 4

Hanging laundry out in the sun. It smells so good afterward. Can you even believe people in new subdivisions at one point were not allowed to hang laundry outside?

September 3

Brice's 2nd weigh in with midwife Carole. He was 10.15, creeping back to birth weight!

September 2

I participated in a pre=natal fitness class this time. Here are 3 of the babies, including Brice who have been born over the summer.

September 1st

Daddy and B.Bear resting. So cute!

August 31

Brice's first midwife weigh in. 10.13 almost at birth weight!

August 30

He's so pudgy and absolutely adorable! We are very sleep deprived but so very blessed to have Brice in our lives.

August 29

Happy Birthday Beppe!

August 28

Sof playing at LJ's party.

August 27

This is the baby board at the midwives office. Here's a list of babies born with midwives in July and August.

August 26

I have a similar picture of Sye and Sofie.

August 25

Sofie giving Brice his present.

August 24

Welcome Brice Paul Harm van der Veen. August 24th 10:13am, weighing in at 11.4lbs and 22 inches long. Looks like Sofie, but quieter so far!

August 23

I was looking through old pictures today and came across this one. Tomorrow is the day we welcome our second child, we have grown into quite the lovely family over the last almost 6 years. Love you Sye.

August 22

I fell down Micki's step while picking up Sofie from daycare today. I thought I had broken it and wanted to make sure the baby was okay so we headed to the ER. Spent 5 hours in there :( But found out it wasn't broken I just jarred it with the fall. Baby was okay too which was great to hear.

August 21

A new video game making Sye very, very happy! We don't call him a geek for nothing :)

August 20

Swimming makes Sofie very, very sleepy.

August 19

Marble Slab Ice Cream became our little addiction towards the end of the summer. So expensive and yummy!

August 18

Sye took Sofie to Victoria Park, look way up high to see her fly!

August 17

Happy Due Date to me!!! Look at how Sofie celebrated her brother coming soon...