Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 26

Sye and Sofie watering our newly transplanted mums, and lilac bush. We planted a raspberry bush as well.

April 25

We made a homemade Chia Pet today. This is day 1.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24

Kirstin and Melissa came by and the girls had fun playing together.

April 23

Fooling around in PhotoBooth.

April 22

Her first Ring Pop! Oh the memories.

April 21

Shaking what her momma gave her :)

April 20

Daddy is pregnant! With 'baby' Sofie.

April 19

Someone was burning a fire in the backyard behind the school I was at today. We could smell the fire burning and see the smoke from inside the kindergarten room!

April 18

My friend Shannon and I. She's due at the end of April and I'm due Mid-August and we have the same midwife.

April 17

She eats cucumbers too!

April 16

Sofie playing at Reid's birthday party.

April 15

A lovely child ripped down my blind at Busy Bees. Heather took a picture for me so I could see what it looked like. It is hard to tell here but it isn't attached to the pole! Heather's friend could mend the blind for me and now you can't even tell.

April 14

Eating some chocolate from Easter.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 13

Stop to smell the roses? er...tulips? They are blooming in our garden, and look so lovely. We love the Spring!

April 12

Sofie eats carrots now! Here's the proof.

April 11

Sofie in her pretty twirl skirt.

April 10

Saturday we shopped some more. My legs ached. By 8 we went for dinner and it was going to be an hour and forty five just to be seated! We took Cheesecake Factory back to our room. It was cold but still yummy.

April 9

I went shopping in the States with my friend Erin this weekend to Buffalo. It was a blast. Here's the score from Friday.

April 8

I'm trying to sell some baby gear we don't need. No bites so far. I listed it cheap too!

April 7

A new hair cut for Sofie. Bye Bye long hair! Until she learns that hair needs to be brushed and long hair needs to be put in pony tails, it will be short hair for Miss Sofie!

April 6

Ice cream, yum!

April 5

Ack I'm way behind. I have a picture of the baby that we had taken on April 5 but I haven't scanned it yet. I'm writing this post so I can edit the picture in later on. It is a boy by the way :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 4

The Easter Bunny came! It was a fun hunt...Dying eggs on the other hand was a bit traumatic to both Sye and myself you can see why....

April 3

Easter Egg Hunt at Joseph Schneider Haus. Sofie loved the egg hunt but was freaked out when you had to trade in your eggs to the Easter Bunny. She opted to leave instead of get treats! The nice people took pity on us, and gave Sofie her treats :)

April 2

We spent the annual Good Friday with our friends Nick and Erika. Here's a great shot of Sofie and Annelise.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1

Painting an Easter picture tonight.

March 31

We may have had a trip to McDonald's this week...

March 30

This is the contraption at the chiropractor's office that is fixing my carpal tunnel! There is an 85% success rate, I hope I'm in that number.

march 29

Pake and Sofie playing together. So sweet. She loves him so much.

March 28

Sye and I had a chill day today. Our last day before Harm and Barb brought her back home to us. This was the best movie I have seen in a really long time.

March 27

Happy 30th Birthday Nick and Erika. Here's a shot of Sye and his best friend Nick. Playing wii...what else??

March 26

Today was part 1 of the Busy Bees Easter Party. A great time! There were 21 children and it was packed. Definitely will do again next year.