Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27

Happy 60th birthday Zehrs! Sofie was treated to face painting, a jumpy castle and cotton candy when we went grocery shopping today. Lucky girl.

June 26

We went to Melissa's house and had a visit with her and Claire, and Ainsley and Kirstin. Fun was had by everyone! Here's a shot of Sofie playing on the trampoline.

June 25

A picture of the rest of the garden. It is growing so well this year.

June 24

Maddi and Sofie swimming in the pool!

June 23

Sofie's latest trick-she steals my bowl of cereal and will eat the whole thing!

June 22

Here's the garden, with a wee pepper growing.

June 21

32 Week belly photo.

June 20

Happy Father's Day! Sofie and Sye playing with his Father's Day present-Super Mario Galaxy 2.

June 19

The airshow was this weekend. It is hard to see, but a plane overhead. We watched the show in the pool!

June 18

Look at Nana's new dog Coco! She's a 1.5 cockerpoo and super sweet.

June 17

Look at all those men!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16

Sofie's garden week 2.

June 15

A strawberry!

June 14

My new Tinkerbell nightgown from Nana!

June 13

Being silly at home with 'the kids'.

June 12

The big recital...Amanda was so helpful today, I really appreciate having a sister I'm close with.

June 11

Sye in all his glory!

June 10

Practicing our make up for the big dance recital.

June 9

Week 1 of Sofie's garden.

June 8

Week 2 of our garden.

June 7

We found a bird's egg on the ground. I had to briefly explain heaven to Sofie tonight. I don't think she understands yet.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6

Our gazebo went for a trip to the neighbour's property last night during the wind/rain storm. What a bummer, we loved the gazebo!

June 5

Playing soccer with Auntie. We love when Auntie comes...

June 4

Chalking with Auntie.

June 3

She has a bit of a drinking problem...Good thing it is just water!

June 2

We finally cut our Chia Pet's hair tonight.

June 1

Sofie and mommy swimming in the pool.

May 31

Square foot garden as just planted. We planted carrots, beans, peas, lettuce, tomato, strawberries, one pumpkin, green and red pepper. Let's see what we can grow this year!